Tuesday, September 28, 2010

8 Steps to implement change and have it stick!

Change is difficult. You know that the change needs to happen, but you don't really know how to go about delivering it. Where do you start? Whom to you involve? How do you see it through to the end?

There are many theories on how to "do" change. A professor at Harvard Business School John Kotter introduced his eight-step change process. As an example lets look at how we can use these steps to prepare you with the tools you need to "change" the way your clinic or hospital department schedules your Doctors.

Step One: Create Urgency: The next time the wrong Doctor is called or one of the partners is upset about the on-call process, have an honest convincing dialogue with them explaining the consequences of your old system. Explain why it happened and tell them you need their help in preventing it from happening again.

Step Two: Form a Powerful Coalition: Convince the Doctors that change is necessary and ask them to help you convince others in the organization.

Step Three: Create a Vision for Change: Show the Doctors what you are trying to accomplish, why and how it benefits them personally.

Step Four: Communicate the Vision: You will be competing with other projects or systems that need change. Communicate your message frequently and powerfully.

Step Five: Remove Obstacles: Be aware of barriers and use your powerful coalition to help you. Don't tackle this part alone.

Step Six: Create Short Term Wins: Give a taste of victory early. Do a 30 day trial and show the success.

Step Seven: Build on the Change: Don't declare victory too early, change is an evolutionary process that takes time. Remind others that this change is for the long term and it will not happen over night.

Step Eight: Anchor the Changes in the Corporate Culture: Make it stick and become part of the core of your clinic or department. Share success stories of the change so far.

When you plan carefully and build the proper foundation, implementing change can be much easier and you will improve your chances of success.

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